I got itcy and went up to genting visited uncle lim yesterday night.
On the way back to KL right after gothong jaya, suddenly my brake got no grip at all. What happen was during a down hill corner when I press on the brake as usual, the brake-pedal just travelled all the way to the bottom and the brake is not stopping the car as usual. I quickly step-down the gear and use th engine brake to slow down the car. Since is so dark (way pass midnight) I got no choice but slowly drive it in 20km/h and use the little brake remaining and lower gear to bring the car down the hill. Every press-on the brake-pedal just travelled all the way with no hydraulic pressure at all, and only little brake effect.
damn scary!Once reached the pondok polis down there, i stopped and inspect what's wrong. Can't find anything. No brake burning smell. Brake indicator is NOT on. ABS light also not on. No fluid leak undercarraige. WTF! :dunno: After resting for awhile, i started the car and continue my journey back. Surprising, everything back to normal. The brake works again. Every press the brake-pedal will have hydraulic pressure and only travel half way like normal to stop the car. So till now the brake works fully ok. What could be the problem ?? Did I overly cooked the brake earlier so boiled the brake fluid ? What else should I check ? Do u think any problem with the master pump ? Should I change the hoses to steel braided ? Really scare. Oh, btw, where to check the brake fluid level on e39 ah ? can't find any..