BMW M3 V8 'Revolution' - The Making of

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Club Guest
Dec 30, 2007
Behind the scene of the M3 V8 commercial - 'Revolution'. NO CGI or 3D effect. Using the actual engine(s) - the real deal. Took apart 6 engines & used 3 different ones to achieve the desired shots during the shoot.and the following is the commercial (nothing extraordinary, very straight forward)honestly speaking, i'm not sure if they actually use the REAL engine or not (they can say whatever in video) - but it's BMW, why would they need to lie or fake it, right? :stupid:coming from that industry, i'll admit that we do whatever it takes to achieve the best possible result using the actual product. failing which, then we'll find alternatives which include trying to fake it some how (advertising mar :rolleyes:)anyway, hope you guys enjoy it though.
good video. And thanks for sharing.
But I can't believe they bloody take 6 engines apart just to film this.
And the spark ignition is fake.... LOL. :D
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