Biggest car club gathering in malaysia – bukit jalil, 25th july 09

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Dec 24, 2007
PERSATUAN BELIA MALAYSIA AKAN MENGADAKAN MAJLIS MEMECAH REKOD PERHIMPUNAN KELAB-KELAB KERETA TERBESAR DI MALAYSIA PADA:TARIKH : 25 JULAI 2009MASA : 7.00 PAGI - 6.00 PETANGTEMPAT : STADIUM NASIONAL BUKIT JALILSedikit sebanyak info tentang program ni:- target mereka untuk mencapai total lebih drpd 1500 kereta (nak beat rekod yg ada skrg nih, kalau tak silap dianjur oleh Belia Johor ...)- nak set 2 rekod 1) jumlah kereta terbanyak 2) jumlah kelab kereta terbanyak- setakat dah ada 38 buah kelab yg nak join- 10 kelab kereta yg mempunyai bilangan kereta yg teramai akan ada seorang wakil utk membuat lintas hormat di hadapan YAB Perdana Menteri- bayaran cuma RM15 utk 1 kereta (dpt goodie bag & sijil)- ada pameran, mini konsert & AUTOSHOW!!!!!- ramai pihak media & press yg akan hadir membuat liputan, secara tak langsung akan bagi publisiti besar-besaranJoin US over at the biggest car gathering event to break the currentmalaysian book of record. Please confirm your participation by today , 9thJune 2009.merzclub@merzclub.orgMr Prez,FYI:top:Any plan to participate in this event
it may be hard feat to get people to pay rm15 to come to an event so that the organisers can achieve the largest gathering of cars to break records... man, if you give away free stuff at tesco, the car parks will overflow until it reaches the highway oso...

car club with the largest turnout? get to parade in front of the pm...

pardon my rudeness... i cant stop laughing.
The number of Kancils and MyVI will outnumber the BMWs many time folds... Anyway, not my cup of tea... I'll wait for the BMW Club autocross... :p
If you can't stop laughing, wait until you see the "Please confirm your participation by today , 9th June 2009."
Biggest car club gathering in malaysia...sound great!

ah lian was rite but personally me don’t mind the rm15
biggest car club nothing better to do...malaysians obsessed with words ending with est...
why pay so much to get in a traffic jam? 1.60 toll after sunway already too much.
yup u r rite :top: ..

BIGGEST Car Club gathering would be .. BIGGEST Jams in history .. NOT going out on that day .. :stupid:

bmwky;429028 said:
why pay so much to get in a traffic jam? 1.60 toll after sunway already too much.

Jangan la condemn too much, heheheee. Our dear Bro Kayz just want to share ... next time sure serik to say anything.
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