Basic Fundamentals of a Car Club Forum

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Founding Member
Nov 25, 2004
Ladies and gentlemen,Recent observations tells me that some forumers who are new to this fail to understand the reason behind the core existence of this BMW CLUB forum. Let me gather my thoughts and repeat lesson 101 again. As the topic of my statement (for those of you are who more observant) clearly uses 2 words which are redundant for fear that one may not be sufficient to put my point across. Those words are ‘Basic’ and ‘Fundamental’. Basically they mean ‘serving as a foundation or core, of central importance’. I want to strongly convey to you that the core existence of this forum is for members with similar passion to get together to discuss about the Ultimate Driving Machine and share our experiences and technical know-how. Fine and well if you do not have any technical information to share, at least participate in threads started by other members constructively or don’t participate at all.Some things that I do not wish to witness with immediate effect:1) Please do not use this forum as a means to ‘pick up chicks’. Referring to the opposite sex as ‘chicks’ or treating them like 'some commodities' is an insult. In fact, it’s ‘downright degrading’. if you do not respect yourself, at least have some courtesy to respect the fairer sex. Ladies are joining this forum for a reason. Getting violated is definitely not in their priority list. That is, they genuinely want to know more about their newly acquired driving machine. Not to be insulted and be scared away by some desperate guys seeking some indecent fun. Some of you are very fortunate to be driving expensive cars. Please give the brand image the prestige it deserves. If you still do not understand, kindly do a search and I’m sure you will find many forums out there. You may have a better sense of belonging there. As some of the advisors have clearly said, if it's some personal chat, please take it offline.2) Please do not abuse your rights to sell things here. I do not wish to see a classified frenzy in this forum. If you genuinely have a vehicle to sell, do a proper posting with photos if available and do not post private numbers for safety reasons. As evident, the mod team, committee and club advisors will not hesitate to put those who breach this rule back in their place. If you are owner of an automobile-related business and has a product/service that could benefit the members, kindly contact any of the committee members and they will be more than happy to have a discussion with you. There are protocols to follow. Please respect the protocols.3) Last but not least, please do not over-indulge on religious and political topics. This is seriously not the place to do it. Better still, avoid it entirely. There are better avenues to voice your grievances such as the papers anbd other religious and political forums. We will not condone such discussion in here. With immediate effect, we will close and delete any threads that has a hint of such discussion. I seriously want to remind everyone here that discussion topics in this forum be skewed towards ‘BMW’. As for General Discussion or The Autobahn, discussion of relevant topics even those remotely related to cars is very much preferred. If you post a topic that is of no interest to other forumers, it WILL be deleted. If you post nonsense, your post WILL be deleted. Use an avatar or signature that is not decent, you will be given a chance to replace it within 24 hours failing to which we will remove it for you. No protests will be entertained.Do not barge in here thinking this is a lawless forum and start shooting your mouth away. Let this be a firm warning to all those who has been abusing this right. We will not hesitate to act and clamp you down. Once again, if you cannot stand the heat in this kitchen, go find yourself another one’. I strongly live by this philosophy being one of the pioneering members of this forum and soon-to-be official club. We are always under the watchful eyes of some authorities. So please behave or begone.We are already in talks with some VIP in the industry and in the process of inviting some of them to become patrons of this club. Most of them are influential and well known individuals in the society. Some of them have gladly agreed to grace some of our official events. As such, we can expect our Annual Dinner to be a glamorous one this year.Please do not post any comments on this thread as it solely meant as an official announcement. Your cooperation is highly appreciated. Another round of house keeping will be conducted shortly to ensure the house is always in order.Thank you.DaredevilPresident 2006/07BMWCLUB Malaysia
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