Touche Jules!!
Many do not realize that it takes more than just talent to be able to race in F1 or even A1 for that matter. Driving fast is one thing, the ability to think conducively while racing, the maturity of the driver and the commitment from the team and their sponsors are another thing which is hard to come by. Especially here.
Sourcing for a sponsor here is difficult. I know, I used to do it for one of the Malaysian race teams and even then we were not asking the amout that it takes to run an A1 car even...and boy were we lucky to get a supportive cash rich sponsor!
Motorsports is really a money driven venture!
Daniel - If you say that Alex is such a bad driver, why don't you show him some moves then? So brave and so talented are we to judge them...but none of us has ever driven an F1 car...kan??
Fabian - "during Alex's stint in F1, he was under enormous pressure not to crash. Was it true that he would need to pay for any damages to the car?"
-yeah fab, I heard that too!!-
:blink: :blink: