A pair of wire was cut off. What wire is that?

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Club Guest
Dec 23, 2008
While inspecting the engine of my N42, i found a pair of wires had been cut off.The thing is, i didnt feel anything different or not working, the engine is fine (fine meaning no difference from before, at least, nothing significant). So, that makes me wonder, what is the wire for..it s around the engine, couldnt be unimportant. (circled in red, it should be connected to another wire, circled in blue, i dont wanna connect it back as i dont know what it is for)Anyone has any idea? P/s: pardon the poor photo quality, using hp, and 'my 'clean' engine, got leak everywhere. haha...
According to one of the mechs, the wire is for thermostat.. dunno how true is that, reconnect it, and nothing happen. So consider it solved. Lol
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