4.4i Engine Rattling

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Club Guest
Nov 3, 2012
Hi Guys..My E53 4.4i 2002 made a rattling noise from the engine. Tried to googled the problem, and it seems it maybe due to the Timing Chain Guide. Common issue for 4.4i V8 engine since the guide is made of plastic.Sent to first workshop (which in the recommended workshop list on one of the thread here), they said engine problem, need to overhaul (cost RM26K) or change engine (cost RM30K). Too expensive..Then went to 2nd workshop (recommended by so many ppl in this forum), the mechanic said noise coming from engine (confirmed from engine since they have remove all the belting, and start the car wif only the engine running). They said overhaul is one option but labour cost could be high since they need remove the engine first then open up the engine the check the problem (but the cost will not be as high as RM26K). The second option is change to half cut engine. They haven't came back to me on the 2nd option cost. But probably not more than 15K.So would like to have your opinion on whether I should just change to half cut engine or go wif the overhaul option.Based from what i read, most of the ppl who experiencing this problem, they usually change the rail guide and on also something related to vanos, the noise is no longer there..Hope to have some advise.. I'm a newbie and this is my first experience owning a bmw..Thanks!
First of all what type of sound is it ?

If chain rattle, then change it. Drop the engine n open the front chain covers.

Why overhaul ?
Sounds like tractor.. I'll try to upload the sound to youtube and post the link here later..

Both workshop not sure what are the causes of the sound. They only know that the sound is coming from the engine. That's why they wanted to open up the engine and find the problem..
Pm me the workshop u visited. I can point to u a expert mechanic that u can trust.
pussy;827420 said:
Pm me the workshop u visited. I can point to u a expert mechanic that u can trust.

I tot we can send to your house one? Pussyworks Motorworks... :D
Extract from http://www.bimmerfest.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-450920.html



"Troubleshooting BMW Hydraulic Bucket Tappet Problems

Common complaints of BMW hydraulic bucket tappets (HVA) are tapping/rattling noise from the valve train area or a binding HVA element.

The two most common reasons for the replacement of BMW hydraulic bucket tappets (HVA) found in M42, M44, M50, M52, M54, M60, M62, S50, S52 and S62 engines are: tapping/rattling noise from the valve train area or a binding HVA element. Tapping/rattling noise from the valve train area may have various different causes depending on engine oil level, engine/oil temperature, when the noise is heard (cold start, engine hot), etc.

The following Complaint/Cause and Repair scenarios will assist in troubleshooting for HVA element noise:

Situation 1A

Tapping / rattling noises from the area of the valve train up to 20 seconds after a cold start.


These noises can be traced back to the higher viscosity of cold mineral based engine oil. For a brief moment insufficient oil reaches the high pressure chamber ofthe HVA element via the high pressure valve after start up. This results in clearance between the HVA element and the camshaft lobe which then causes a tapping/rattling noise.

Influencing factors for this complaint:

• Viscosity of engine oil used

• Ambient temperature

This condition is not caused by mechanical damage to any engine components and has no damaging effect on the service life ofthe engine.


Check that oil viscosity is matched to ambient temperature range at which the vehicle is being operated. Refer to Temperature/Viscosity chart for further information.

Situation 1B

Tapping/rattling noises in the area of the valve train for the first 8 -10 consecutive cold starts. This condition usually occurs after the engine has been turned off at normal operating temperature and then not warmed up to full operating temperature during the next series of cold starts. This operating condition can occur, for example, on new vehicles.


Hot engine oil initially escapes from the oil galley of the HVA elements when the engine is stopped. A small amount of oil also escapes through the gaps between the HVA elements and the HVA housings in the cylinder head.

The oil then contracts while the engine is cooling down and allows air to enter the oil system. During the subsequent cold start, this air can be forced into the HVA elements (causing air pockets) through the build up of engine oil pressure. The resulting clearance between the HVA elements and the camshaft lobes causes the tapping/rattling noises.

This HVA tapping/rattling noise is not dependent on the amount oftime the engine is off, but rather on:

• The temperature of the engine when it was turned off (operating temperature - hot)

• The number of subsequent cold starts without the engine being warmed up to operating temperature.


Run the engine to dissipate (bleed) the air trapped in the high pressure chamber of the HVA elements.

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