320d static sound

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Club Guest
Jan 10, 2011
Hi all; need some help and advice here. Just got my 320d PE couple days ago and today while i was on my handsfree; there was a static sound coming from my right speakers after talking for 5-10 mins. The funniest thing was the radio was not even switch on. I am using the iphone 4Took my wife's phone which is a iphone 3G and repeat the same thing; the similiar incident of static noise occured as well. Decided to take it back to ingress in 2 days time. In the mean time; has anyone encounter this issue before.Thanks.
I think it should be quite normal. When you turn on the ignition, the car's amplifier is already power up, so that you can hear the chim and warning sound from the speaker. Means while you car cd player is still off, the amp is already on. Any interference can be picked up.
Thanks for reply..initially i did thought of this as well; however my friend has a 325 and when he uses his mobile which is a HTC he dosen't encounter static noise.

Anyway will see what ingress can do; either that i am over-reacting :)
Just to trouble-shoot,try use HTC/Blackberry phone in your car and see whether static noise appear or not. It could be due to strong RF emitted by these iPhone.
KiKev.. u better check with SC.. i got the same problem... initially i thought it is not serious...however after couple of month the static sounds getting serious.. there is one day.. the sound coming out from speaker getting terrible, even after i stop the engine.. zinggg sound can hear loudly... i sent the car to SC and found out the amplifier was defective... manage to claim for warranty.. but then it happened again... sent to SC again and found out the speaker defective also... i think i have sent my car more than twice to SC to settle this problem.
Thanks for the tip enJiNer; have already book an apt with Ingress; will be sending it on wed. They told me that i have to leave the car overnight to trouble shoot. The thing is these few days there wasn't any issue at all. No static noise but like you say better to be safe then sorry.

BTW not too sure any of you fellar experience this. When i am stuck in a jam; gear in "d" the moment i leave up my foot off the brakes; there is a small slight vibration as if the timing is low. Do any of you experience this? Is this the diesel engine response as compare to the petrol version.

Thanks again.
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